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J J - Essex

Special wheelchair/buggy to keep J safe.
9-year-old J is Autistic with hypermobility and sensory perception challenges. She exhibits aggressive outbursts, which mainly occur when she is out of the house. This particularly happens in busy noisy environments such as a supermarket, a bus train or station. Her behaviour rises to a level where she is hard to control and has no sense of danger, which is a typical symptom of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. J had grown out of her buggy, which was no longer a safe means of transport as she was constantly kicking off the footplate and trying to escape. Her mum was beside herself with worry that she would be unable to continue taking J out to the park or on shopping trips. She urgently needed to be kept safe and a stronger type of chair was needed to keep her out of harm's way. Her Paediatric Occupational Therapist approached us to fund the cost of a specialist 'Convaid' wheelchair/buggy with extra securing straps and we had no hesitation in assisting. Click on the picture to see J in her new buggy. We wish her and her Mum many safe and happy outings in the future.
Registered in the UK - Charity No 200050 - Established 1961