News and Events


Joel P. - Devon

A new Walker for Joel.....

We first helped Joel in 2006 at age 9 with conductive educational equipment and he has been doing really well. (See our previous news item dated 24 July 2006).

Joel, now 13 years old, is a highly intelligent and determined boy who is gifted and talented in English. Physically however, he is disabled by quadriplegic cerebral palsy and requires full attention. Last year Joel had multi-level surgery to straighten both his legs to release muscles, which will hopefully allow him to walk one day. In order to keep those muscles at optimum health and use them effectively he needs to stand and be supported, his muscles will otherwise become stiff and painful again. The 'Hart Walker' uniquely can provide this support. Joel's medical advisers recommended and Joel's physiotherapist was firmly resolved that the system would be ideal. Unfortunately the NHS is unable to fund the cost.

Joel needs every bit of help he can get and we were delighted to step in and provide him with a Hart Walker and special 'Piedro' boots to help him reach his next goal. Good luck Joel, we're right behind you!

Here's Joel in his school uniform............a truly inspirational young man!
Click on the picture to see Joel using his new Walker.

Registered in the UK - Charity No 200050 - Established 1961